Sunday, April 21, 2019

Yes I still monitor this blog....


Read my story here.

Although I do not visit my own blog very frequently, I must let the visitors of this blog know that yes I read all your missives about how this blog saved your or your kin's hard earned money (and perhaps life). Thank you for telling me your stories. I am sorry that I can't respond to you immediately. This molester, who should not have been permitted to practice in India and yet, he is sans any conscience, still robbing off people who have no access to the internet (or common sense). I currently do not have the wherewithal to promote this blog but based on google's search results, I believe that it is doing its job well. I wish I could help those with limited means who cannot read my blog.

There's one thing all of you internet savvy people do to help me. Keep a note of how many people around you are interested in Homeopathy. Tell them about Ramesh Bhardwaj of Homeopathic World, Noida and tell them of the danger he poses to their or their kin's well being and sanity. Perhaps you will save someone else's precious time and therefore life. No effort is small.

My email address is
