Sunday, April 21, 2019

Yes I still monitor this blog....


Read my story here.

Although I do not visit my own blog very frequently, I must let the visitors of this blog know that yes I read all your missives about how this blog saved your or your kin's hard earned money (and perhaps life). Thank you for telling me your stories. I am sorry that I can't respond to you immediately. This molester, who should not have been permitted to practice in India and yet, he is sans any conscience, still robbing off people who have no access to the internet (or common sense). I currently do not have the wherewithal to promote this blog but based on google's search results, I believe that it is doing its job well. I wish I could help those with limited means who cannot read my blog.

There's one thing all of you internet savvy people do to help me. Keep a note of how many people around you are interested in Homeopathy. Tell them about Ramesh Bhardwaj of Homeopathic World, Noida and tell them of the danger he poses to their or their kin's well being and sanity. Perhaps you will save someone else's precious time and therefore life. No effort is small.

My email address is


Friday, April 12, 2013

Criminal Ramesh Bhardwaj on loose.

Read my story in English on Ramesh Bhardwaj by clicking here 
Read my story in Hindi Here

Rest can continue reading. 

If he owns a car-it is through ill gotten gains
If he owns a house- it is through ill gotten gains
if he eats-it is through ill gotten gains.
if a dangerous person like him flourishes in his career-it is through ill gotten gains 

STOP GIVING HIM MONEY IN THE ANTICIPATION OF A SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT. You are fooling yourself if  you expect that an illiterate doctor will treat you.  He has no license to practice.  He is not a World famous practitioner as he claims to be. He is a cheat and a pervert. And this is why, thanks to his Ku-Karma, at his age of 50, his carefully built reputation is now being swept away into dirty sewage where it belongs.

I visit this blog once in 6 months and I am very pleasantly surprised at the comments the posts have received.  Also, some people are furthering my agenda on complaint forums by promoting this blog. Thank you, Margaret, Jane and others on pub14 website. I don't know who you are but we are all tied with each other by the thread of humanity and it is our duty to expose rapists, perverts and scammers who masquerade as doctors, in this case, Ramesh Bhardwaj. 

To Rajat who sent me his heart wrenching story, I am extremely sorry for not making the blog earlier so at least your sister could have lived longer. Par der aaye, durust aaye. It might be a little solace to your sister that this criminal is being exposed. It is only in a country like India, where dangerous criminals like him flourish and fool people in dire straits.  R.I.P. If you want to send me your comments or messages privately, my email id is

Others who sent their words of appreciation, thank you :) He will be soon behind the bars.

As a reminder, a characteristic trait of this genius doctor is his extremely poor English. Call +91-9811127065 now to verify. 

I maintain it, I challenge Ramesh Bhardwaj that this blog can be deleted if he is able to provide  a  proof of successful treatment of any complex disease  with the proof that he performed the treatment on the patient. It shouldn't be too hard for this 'globally renowned Doctor couple'

Of course one can't walk away from the fact that he is  lecherous and casts lustful eyes on female patients, but lets deal with his ability to treat people for now :)


Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Please check my previous articles about this Fraudulent doctor called Ramesh Bhardwaj...

I am a non resident Indian based in Boston and this is a big limitation when it comes to reporting him (or his ilk) to the police. I would request anyone, anyone reading this blog to report him anonymously to the cops so at least his expired license if not his licentious attitude gets him behind the bars. 

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Ramesh Bhardwaj Homeopathy Fraud In Hindi

Below is a post for Hindi Speaking people regarding this creature called Ramesh Bhardwaj. For English posts, check my previous articles. Shall try to get it translated in other languages too. 

यह ब्लॉग आर्टिकल उन  देवियों  और  सज्जनों के लिए है जो हिंदी भाषी हैं| मैं इस ब्लॉग के ज़रिये आपको यह बताना चाहती हूँ की यह डॉक्टर एक नंबर का झूठा और फर्जी डॉक्टर है | यह पैसो के लिए किसी भी हद तक गिर सकता है | आज से ४ साल पहले इसने मेरे साथ बतमीजी की और मुझे ठगा और बहुत पैसे मुझसे ऐंठे| अब मैं वहां नहीं रहती हूँ इसलिए आप सबको सावधान करना चाहती हूँ | कृपया इस डॉक्टर से अपनी बहु बेटियों का इलाज बिलकुल न कराएं क्योंकि उनकी इज्ज़त को खतरा है | इसने एक मामूली सी allergy  को psoriasis बताया और मुझे गलत तरीके से हाथ लगाया और हजारो रुपैये लिए. पुलिस ने इसे कुछ मामूली fine लेके और डांट डपट के और २-३ थप्पड़ मार के  छोड़ दिया| क्या आप सोच सकते हैं की भारत में ऐसे भी डॉक्टर उपचार करते हैं? जहाँ भारत में अन्ना हजारे के आन्दोलन से भ्रष्टाचारियों को हिला के रख दिया, इन डाक्टरों  को लोगो को ठगने से रोकना भी हमारी ही ज़िम्मेदारी है| मुझे उन बेचारो पे दया आती है जी इन जैसे डाक्टरों  द्वारा ठगे गए हैं. 

अगर आप इसकी website पे जायेंगे तो आप देखेंगे की यह पैसों का इतना भूखा है की इसने अपने बैंक डिटेल्स उसी पे डाल दी है| क्या यह एक  अच्छे  डॉक्टर या अस्पताल की किसी वेबसाइट पे आपको नज़र आएगा? यह कहता है की इसने ६ लाख लोगो को ठीक किया है जिनमे कई जाने माने लोग और डॉक्टर भी आते हैं. इसे homeopathy अवार्ड भी मिल चूका है जबकि ऐसा कोई अवार्ड ही नहीं है| अगर यह इतना ही बड़ा डॉक्टर है और इसने इतने ही बड़े बड़े उपचार किये है, तो इसका नाम तो CNN और बीबीसी में आना चाहिए, यह नॉएडा के एक घर में बैठ के क्यों प्रैक्टिस कर रहा है? अगर आप इसके क्लिनिक (जो की इसने घर में ही खोल रखा है और एक शौपिंग माल में) वहां एक से ज्यादा patient मिलेगा ही नहीं और वो भी भूल से आया हुआ इंसान होगा| मैं challenge के साथ कहती हूँ की अगर एक भी इंसान इसके "उपचार" से ठीक हुआ हो तो मैं अपना ब्लॉग डिलीट कर दूंगी. अगर आपको homeopathy इलाज  कराना ही है तो आप किसी अच्छे हॉस्पिटल (डॉ. बत्रा homeopathy ) में कराइए, इस जैसे घटिया डॉक्टर को पैसे देने से अच्छा है की आप वो पैसे दान में दे दें कम से कम वो किसी के काम आयेंगे| सच कहूं तो इस डॉक्टर के बाद homeopathy से विश्वास उठ गया| मैंने कई जगह यह भी पढ़ा है की यह constipation और साधारण बीमारियों के लिए आपसे ६,००० रुपैये तक ले सकता है|  यह गाली गलोच भी बड़ी आसानी से कर लेता है और वाहियात शब्दों का प्रयोग करता है| आज हमारे लिए आवश्यक है की भारत की जनता इसके खिलाफ रिपोर्ट दर्ज कराये और इसका license (जो की फर्जी है) जप्त कर ले  | हो सके तो इस ब्लॉग को ज्यादा से ज्यादा लोगो तक पहुँचाने में मेरी सहायता करें. यह मेरा आपसे निवेदन है|

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Hi guys,

I hope you have read my previous post regarding Ramesh Bhardwaj. This fraud has uploaded a video on YouTube where he is explaining how he came out as a winner after encountering death number of times. Not only am I disgusted with this doctor for fooling thousands of poor people, I am also convinced that Pragya TV and all these channels which promote superstition are fraudulent and deceive the masses to gain TRPs. Of all the people in the world, they had to call this worthless, illiterate doctor with no qualifications. Sure, the channel has colluded with the doctor and paid him a ridiculously hefty sum for fooling people on their channel just like he fools his 'patients'.

This is again a word of caution to all the people who seek homeopathic help. DO NOT GO TO THIS DOCTOR. He is a molester of young women and a major fraud who will rip you of all your cash. His degree is FAKE. Spread the word and save the world.

And of course, Ramesh Bhardwaj, if you are reading this, remember that KARMA is a bitch..not only I have sufficient traffic on my blog page but people are private messaging me on complain forums and thanking me for having cautioned them. Here are two of them:

Truth2011 Nov 21, 2011
Hi there,
Thank you for your comments on Dr. Ramesh B. I am suffering from fistula and was searching on the net to find out any treatment. I even thought of calling this guy but thanks to your post he is ruled out.
Take Care.


I got cheated from ramesh bhardwaj. Have paid hefty amount for a year but no results. I am a engineer too but you know for some ailments sometime as we see treatment we became fool. 

Dr. Ramesh Bhardwaj is a big fraud ofcourse. Thanks for sharing your story and making the blog.

The posts on my blog are/will be far more authentic than the testimonials this idiot has written on his website and complaint forums.This joker is also wandering around the complaint forums under different names and posting how Ramesh Bhardwaj has treated people successfully. DO NOT TRUST THOSE MESSAGES. THOSE ARE FALSE AND FAKE AND POSTED BY RAMESH BHARDWAJ HIMSELF.  Have you been a victim of this bhaiyya or any such fraud doctors? Or do you know of anyone who has been cheated? Do you want your voice to be heard and wish to contribute in this campaign but are concerned about identity disclosure. Then Mail me at Your identity will remain a secret and this joker could be exposed.

Ramesh, Trust me loser, your business is going to stop very soon and you will be in the jail for deceiving the masses. Shame on you. Take my advice and open a side business as you will have nothing to feed your wife and son.

Thursday, October 13, 2011



An encounter with this man, Ramesh Bhardwaj,  a Homeopathic doctor from Noida , U.P. about 4 years ago in  2007 made me vow that I will do my best in wrecking havoc in this man's life and ruin this fraudsters' career. I did not have many resources at that time but did my best to reprimand him with the assistance of those around me. But the sense of humiliation I felt from that experience will always linger in my memories. Recently, I had an urge to Google his name (a name I will never forget) and stumbled upon his website where he proclaims that he is a globally renowned doctor and has cured over 600,000 patients from all over the world. This fraud's website goes on to say that  the 'famed practitioner' has 2 clinics and has treated eminent celebrities, scientists, ministers and even medical practitioners!

"Dr." Ramesh Bharadwaj-A scam artist, fraud and a pervert!

One look at the website and  you are likely to be impressed with him given his fanciful claims of being a celebrated homeopathic professional. Like I said above, I am here to break all the myths and clarify all questions and doubts regarding this doctor. My agenda is simple. I want everyone to be aware of Ramesh Bhardwaj and his likes and understand the fact that these people not only dupe and cheat people around them but also are sick perverts and hence women in particular must refrain from going to his clinics. People like Ramesh Bharadwaj being shame to humanity. Thankfully, today I have the power of internet where I can anonymously raise voice against this imposter without exploiting my privilege.

My house is about a few blocks away from this man's residence in Sector 93.   My parents always lived abroad and I was in my final year of engineering. A little naive, but very independent and a confident girl. I lived alone but in a respectful manner and my neighbors adored me for how I conducted myself.  I was looking for a cure to a little skin condition I had developed during a summer of 2007 (later I figured out that it was a mere sunburn).  I was doing some groceries nearby and saw his board on his house's balcony which stated "Dr. Ramesh Bhardwaj, Homeopathy" It also claimed to help people with some height issues, skin issues, hair fall etc. I went to him the very next afternoon. I was greeted by his nephew and he asked me to wait in the living room. He had a beautifully decorated living room which he had made in to a clinic. I also noticed a couple of pet rabbits in his house.

Ramesh came after a while  and after some inspection and talking,  he asked me to follow him into the room. Inside the room, he began inspecting me and somehow told me that it was linked to my ailment in the stomach. He pulled my tshirt up to my breast and began massaging my stomach. I did not have an inkling of what was going on inside his mind and I thought it could definitely be related to my ailment in the stomach. He also inspected my bare breast. After a while he asked me to leave from the room and go to the main room. I heard the flush's sound from the bathroom which was inside the very room I was lying in. I tried not to think anything negative. There was no sign of any female.

He gave a tiny bottle with tiny amount of liquid to rub on my burn  (which he claimed was psoriasis). He charged me a 1000 bucks. I had faith in his claims on the board and though as a student, you have to think twice before giving away such a huge amount to anyone, I gave him. He asked me to return the following weekend. When I got up the next earning, my body was mildly hurting because of too much pressure applied to my muscles. I was a very learn girl then. But I continued his medicine especially because I had given 1000 bucks to this man and I also intended to meet him during the weekend.

I went to his house again and  I was inspected in a similar manner except that now his hands were wandering around my labia minora and majora.  Though my body muscles hurt during his inspection, I did not say anything. He checked the burn and said "thoda improve to hora hai". I wondered how? I had not seen any improvement. He again charged me a ludicrous amount (I do not remember how much). I went back with an equally tiny bottle.

I thought of stopping going to him when the muscle pain was a bit too much. I wanted to tell this to my relative (A distant uncle but only a few years older) who was also my confidant as I did not want to bother my parents with this.  I forgot about the incident and the next Sunday, I got a call from this man inviting me to his house. Very aware of his intentions, I went to him, this time to slap him and give him a piece of my mind! It was my neighborhood and I was not scared.  As I walked into his house, I immediately realized, I made a mistake as it was a very quiet afternoon and no one was to be found even in the apartments below and above his, not even his nephew. I got a little scared.

He ordered me to come in to the room "chal ander chal" I refused and said politely "Nahi sir, aap galat samajh rahe ho". He said "Chal na" and I was just shocked with all these utterances of his and felt that he would pounce on me anytime. I was trying hard to be diplomatic despite fuming inside and said "Sir mere paas paise nahi hai continue karne ke, agar koi pending amount hai to baad mein de dungi"
He said "Tu ander kyo nahi chal rahi, mujhse dosti kyo nahi karti?" After somehow convincing him, I fled and how!!  An incident of this sort happened to me for the first time in my entire life. I was filled with disgusting thoughts in my head "What if he had raped me?" "What if he had anesthetize me with his medicines and sold me away?" "To how many girls (or boys) might he be doing that to?"
I realized that I had been cheated majorly and it was the biggest mistake of my life and tried hard to forget it.

 On my my relative's return from Hyderabad, during a casual chat, I told him a little about this man's deeds. Though I did not go too much in detail, he understood to a large a extent what probably had happened. He vowed to take revenge for me!

I went to this doctor's house again, this time accompanied by my relative. His nephew opened the door and Ramesh arrived soon after. My relative (let's call him Sandy), asked him for what he was prescribing medicines. Ramesh answered hesitantly and a bit nervously. He was then bombarded by questions from Sandy and was also asked if he had asked me to do "dosti". Ramesh said "yes but it was very casual". Sandy got up and caught his collar (I do not appreciate that move of his) and shouted "Aur kya kiya hai tumne iske sath, itni choti ladki ke sath aise karte hai". The nephew rushed out of his room and started hitting Sandy from behind. Doctor too joined him and shouted swear words at me "behen ki lodi", I was in a state of shock and guilt for putting Sandy in trouble. I caught Sandy by his shirt and freed him and took him out.

I immediately rushed to my neighbor who probably had contacts with the RWA of the society. She was shocked to see me in that state and immediately gave me their address. We rushed to their house and narrated the incident to the man. He was very kind and asked his son to call the police. His son also informed us that it was illegal to run any business within a residential area.  As far as I remember the nearest police chowki was in NEPZ Phase-2 area. The police immediately arrived at my home, took my statements and left. I then got a call from a RWA chief that he was sending a car to my place and asked me to come to the police station. I went there. In the car, RWA chief's son told me that he had given a different version of the story. The doctor had said that I offered to sleep  with him because I did not have enough money to pay for his medicines. I reached police station and waited for the senior official to get free. He was chatting away with the RWA chief. He called for me after 30 minutes and listened to my story and also of the doctor's. He did not seem to be in any kind of dilemma. He said to the doctor immediately "Aap jhooth bol rahe ho doctor saab, jahan aapka gaon hai (somewhere in UP), wahan ke logo ko main ache se janta hu, yeh ladki jhooth nahi bol rahi". He said  "Is doctor ne aap pe hath uthaya hai, aap bhi utha lo" They then forced him and his nephew to join hands and beg for pardon. I left the office. I was told by the RWA chief that the doctor was fined heavily for his deeds. I was 20 at that time. Though I got him on his knees to beg for mercy, I did not feel satisfied. As you can clearly notice, I remember every minute detail of that incident and I am here to warn everyone that this can happen to any one at anytime.

Please do not ever go to any kind of treatment to him and if you are taking any treatment, please you stop immediately. Spread this message as there are many, many more like him who under the pretext of treatment molest young girls. He is nothing but a small time crook and a mentally sick U.P. ka bhaiiyaa. For the people who might judge me as a 'slut' for going naively to this doctor, I am now a software professional in Texas who somehow got duped by this S.O.B. and I am only helping you out and this can happen to your daughter too if you do not take care.
I welcome any comments regarding this doctor as it might help someone looking for answers regarding this Son of a Bitch. I want to make sure his business stops!!!!